
Showing posts from 2018

Measured and Perceived Physical Responses in Multidimensional Fitness Training through Exergames in Older adults

Towards Emotionally-Adaptive Virtual Reality for Mental Health Applications

Opening: PhD Student position in Virtual Reality and Physiological Computing

Personalizing paper-and-pencil training for cognitive rehabilitation: a feasibility study with a web-based Task Generator.

Call for Papers for the’19 Special Track STIMHA’19 “Smart Technologies and Interactive Media for Health Applications”

International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (ISVR) will be participating in the RehabWeek 2019

13th issue of the ISVR newsletter

KAVE - A low-cost CAVE environment for Unity using kinect

Physiologically Attentive User Interface for Robot Teleoperation: Real Time Emotional State Estimation and Interface Modification Using Physiology, Facial Expressions and Eye Movements

NeuroRehabLab makes available 25 research and VR tools

Music-based Assistive Feedback System for the Exploration of Virtual Environments in Individuals with Dementia